Air Barriers – Bitumen vs Acrylic and Tour of 3M Innovation Center

Tour of the 3M Innovation Center showing how 3M Inspires collaboration in their R&D and WHY our scale of thinking matters and HOW we innovate by demonstrating the depth and breadth of our ability to create connections/solutions followed by an overview of recent air barrier projects in the DMV and “Air Barrier – Bitumen vs Acrylic” presentation.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore the chemical and physical properties of air barrier adhesives
  • Understand the difference between acrylic and bitumen options
  • Review best practices for application
  • Assess adhesive type performance comparison

Presented by:

Martin Widenbrant 

Martin Widenbrant grew up close to the Arctic Circle in Sweden.  After serving in the armed forces in Sweden he proceeded to get a M.Sc. degree in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden.  He then proceeded to pursue graduate studies in the USA and earned a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Stanford University.  Straight out of graduate school Martin joined Dupont Central Research and Development in Wilmington DE.  Martin’s research at Dupont was focused on process development for the manufacturing of Tyvek.  In 2012 Martin moved to 3M in St. Paul, MN to start work on tapes and adhesives for commercial construction applications.  His focus at 3M has been around developing new air barrier membranes and adhesives to improve the performance and durability of buildings.


Ronald Breuer

Ronald began his 24 year history with 3M, in a position with the company’s Electrical Market Division as a Commercial and Industrial Area Business Coordinator. After capturing the division’s Everest Award on a repeated basis, Ron became in 2007, the firestopping field specialist in the Mid-Atlantic Region. His focus was developing firestop solutions for construction issues associated with projects comprised of commercial, municipal, US Government, healthcare and various educational purposes. His role was further broadened with business development responsibilities for the Northeastern US marketplace focusing on the “3M Specified Products: Air Barrier and Fire Protection”. His current managerial responsibilities involve Business Development for Air Barrier, Fire Protection and Venture Products for the Continental US.

Organized by:

AIA|DC Building Enclosure Council