
Mission Statement

Building Enclosure Council of Washington D.C. (BEC-DC) is an organization comprised of architects, engineers, contractors, consultants, and manufacturers who share a common interest in new and existing building enclosures and the science related to them. BEC-DC offers a forum for professionals in the construction industry to discuss and share valuable information relating to building enclosure design and their experiences with success and adversity. The purpose of the Building Enclosure Council, Washington DC (BEC|DC) includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Providing a focus and forum at the local level for those with an interest in the building enclosure and related building science issues.
  2. Promoting and encouraging discussion, training, education, technology transfer, and exchange of information about the building enclosure.
  3. Initiating and promoting cross-disciplinary and cross-responsibility dialogue – laterally between professions including designers, consultants, educators, manufacturers, suppliers, fabricators, constructors, building operators, developers, insurers, etc.
  4. Facilitating improvements in relation to processes related to enclosures (including design, construction, repair, etc.) – namely, inspection, approvals, regulations, standards, liability, etc
  • Providing a focus and forum at the local level for those with an interest in the building enclosure and related building science issues. 
  • Educate members through presentations, panel discussions, and newsletter on the importance and practice of building enclosure 
  • Providing a focus and forum at the local level for those with an interest in the building enclosure and related building science issues. 
  • Maintain relationships and communications with key sponsors. 
Meetings & Events

Please see the AIADC calendar for the Building Enclosure Council's meetings and other events.