Got Climate? 4 Steps to a Sustainable, Resilient, Regenerative, and Equitable Washington Region

Climate disruption looms as this generation’s greatest challenge, architects included. While many struggle to find common ground on climate policies, for architects climate action is a design proposition. Architects have always applied vision and problem-solving to evolving social, economic, and environmental circumstances. As the urban era dawns, today’s architects are redefining design excellence for the “hot, flat, and crowded” planet. In this keynote presentation, Carl Elefante, 2018 AIA President, will outline four steps that every architect can take to help make the Washington region sustainable, resilient, regenerative, and equitable.

Presented by: Carl Elefante, FAIA, FAPT, LEED AP - Principal, Quinn Evans Architects

Presented Bio:

As a nationally recognized subject expert, sustainability is the lens through which Carl Elefante views all dimensions of architecture. Carl emphasizes the importance of designing spaces with the understanding that people thrive in nature and need daylight, movement, fresh air, clean water, but are also social beings that seek engagement and fulfillment. Applying his extensive experience, he brings to projects leadership and pioneering ideas that bind together historical and environmental preservation. He's excited to see the ethic of stewardship extend from historic preservation to sustainability on diverse building types - from iconic buildings to vernacular and modern-era structures.

After attending this course, participants will be able to:

  • Explore and understand the importance of planning with sustainability principles in mind for the healthy, safety, and wellness of our society and planet;
  • Discuss design strategies that will result in a more sustainable, resilient, regenerative, and equitable region;
  • Explore the characteristics of contemporary urbanization and how these support the need for more sustainable design; and
  • Explain the benefits to human health and well-being that designing with an emphasis on natural light, fresh air, clean water can deliver.

September 16th, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Ronald Reagan International Trade Center and Building

1.5 HSW|LUs (Credits Pending)