Why DC Statehood Matters to Architects

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Did you know...

Washington, DC is the only national capital in the world whose residents do not have the
same representation and voting rights as citizens in the rest of the country.

Why DC Statehood Matters to Architects

"The American Institute of Architects (AIA) works to advance our nation’s quality of life and protect the public’s health, safety and welfare, as it has done for 160 years.” 
- Where architects stand: A statement of our values, AIA 

Architects possess the ability to shape the world around us. With each project, we have the opportunity to create places that are safe, sustainable, and resilient, positively impacting occupants and their greater context.  

Nationally and at the local level, the AIA and our members champion issues that impact the profession and its practitioners, from creating healthy communities, to ensuring equity in our workplaces and access to affordable housing and creating economic opportunities.

Yet, currently in the District of Columbia, unlike anywhere else in the country, architects do not have equal representation to which to advocate for advancement. No voting member of the House of Representative can amplify these issues, no Senators to push meaningful legislation. By advocating for DC statehood, the AIA|DC seeks to remedy this inequity among our members. And because, as architects, we stand united by our commitment to advance the profession of architecture and the positive impacts of its practitioners on the built environment, ensuring that architects in DC have equal representation not only amplifies voices on these issues locally, but adds to the collective voices of architects throughout the country.

Local Impacts of DC Statehood

DC statehood allows for fair and equal representation for architects living and operating in the District of Columbia. The impacts on architects locally could lead to more streamlined planning and approval processes, greater economic stability through access to emergency funding, to positive policy impacts made possible through self-governance.

National Impacts of DC Statehood

Equal representation for architects in DC adds to the collective ability of architects nationwide to advocate for positive change. Architects in the District of Columbia are designing projects at the forefront of advancements in technology, environmental awareness, and social welfare. We are well poised to represent issues identified by the AIA as top policy priorities, including:

          future economy
          climate action
                energy use and reliance
                environmental sustainability
          healthy communities
                social sustainability 
                affordable housing
                school safety

We seek the full support of the profession for DC statehood, and hope that practitioners throughout the country will join us in advocating for equal representation in Congress. 
We welcome the opportunity to meet with local chapters to discuss how DC statehood can have a positive impact on your community, no matter where you may be!  

Get Involved

Contact your Elected Officials
Architects living outside of DC have a unique opportunity that Architects that are residents of the District of Columbia do not: the ability to have their voices heard by their elected Senators and Representatives. Please consider helping to amplify the voices of all architects by contacting your members of Congress.
Click here to send a message to your Elected Officials.

Learn more by watching Becoming Douglass Commonwealth: From DC Disenfranchisement to Full Democracy.