Wonderland 2015: The Hearth

  • Date

    Monday, December 14 2015-Monday, January 04 2016

  • Time

    Multi-day event.

  • Location

    District Architecture Center

SIGAL Gallery Storefront


Fire is central to the winter experience. The hearth, a symbol for this time of celebration and community, can represent an architectural antidote to the impending dark and cold winter months. It is around fire and hearth that friends and families—even whole communities—gather to cook, share stories, and bond in its warmth and glow.

Walk by the District Architecture Center this holiday season to be warmed by the light of the Wonderland storefront display.

About the Designers

Cooper Jones and Maureen McGee recently moved to DC from San Francisco where Jones worked for Iwamotto Scott Architects and McGee worked for Andrew Mann Architecture. The husband-and-wife team collaborated on several design projects in San Francisco between 2013 – 2014, including two winter storefront installations for Faye’s Video and Espresso Bar in the Mission District.

Excited to be living and working in DC, Cooper now works for Jones & Boer Architects while Maureen works for McGraw Bagnoli Architects.


Organized by AIA|DC for the SIGAL Gallery storefront. Designed by Cooper Jones and Maureen McGee, winners of the Wonderland 2015 competition. Support generously provided ABC Imaging.

AIA DC, Sigal Gallery, ABC Imaging