Fellows Celebration and Scholarship Dinner

The Annual Fellows Celebration Dinner honors local Chapter Fellows, new and old, from the DMV including AIA|DC, AIA NOVA and AIA Potomac Valley. Along with the celebration of their achievements, this event is also a major fundraiser for the Fellows’ Endowment of the Washington Architectural Foundation’s Barbara G. Laurie Scholarship Program.  Awarded initially in the freshman year, the scholarship follows the student through a four-or-five-year degree as long as they remain in an architecture program in the United States and maintain a good grade point average.

Our scholarship was renamed in 2013 in memory of Barbara G. Laurie. Laurie, an architect who was devoted to the Washington Architectural Foundation and the community, was a partner of Devrouax + Purnell, a prominent architecture firm in DC. She was a founding member of the Organization of Black Designers and professor of architecture at Howard University.

Sponsorship/Ticket Levels

Individual Tickets - $295

Photography Sponsorship Ticket - $750 (1 sponsorship available at this level)

  • Preferred seating for 1 Guest
  • Sponsor Professional Photography for the Event 

Popover Sponsorship Ticket - $750 (1 sponsorship available at this level)

  • Preferred seating for 1 Guest
  • Sponsor The Cosmos Cub Popovers at the Dinner 

Bar Sponsorship Tickets - $1,500

  • Preferred seating for 2 Guests (Yourself and 1 additional guest)
  • Company or Individual Name of Event Materials
  • Hyperlink on Scholarship Webpage

Dinner Sponsorship Tickets - $4,000

  • Preferred seating for 4 Guests (Yourself and 3 additional guests)
  • Company or Individual Name of Event Materials
  • Hyperlink on Scholarship Webpage