Arts & Architecture 2025: Open Call for Artwork

  • Date

    Sunday, September 15 2024

  • Time


Have your work featured in an exhibition at DAC!

The District Architecture Center is seeking architecture-themed and design-themed artwork by artists, architects, and designers (including students) for inclusion in our ARTS + ARCHITECTURE 2025 exhibit. Each work of art accepted into the exhibition will earn artists the chance to be exhibited at DAC, and to have a public forum through which to sell their art (if chosen to do so).

The ARTS + ARCHITECTURE 2025 exhibition will be on display at the District Architecture Center from January 2025 to April 2025. If the artist so chooses, artwork can be marked for sale by DAC and proceeds will go 100% to the artist themselves.

DAC will promote artists included in the exhibition through media outreach, our website, and targeted email and social media campaigns to all of our followers. We are open to a wide interpretation of what architecture-themed and design-themed artwork is, so if you think your work fits those descriptions in any way, we encourage you to submit 1-6 works for consideration (there is no entry fee)! 

We are open to submissions in all mediums, but works must fit one of the following categories:

2D Artwork: ​​Prints, Paintings, Drawings, Collages, etc.
3D Artwork: ​​Sculptures, Light Fixtures, Ceramics, Architecture Models, etc.
Digital Artwork: ​​Videos, Sound Installations, Music Albums, etc.


Entry Form Due (w/pdf, doc, docx, mp3, jpg, jpeg, or png) image of each work: September 15, 2024
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection of Entries: October 4, 2024
Delivery of Artwork to District Architecture Center: By January 9, 2025
Hanging of show: Week of January 13, 2025
Exhibition: January 29 - April 17, 2025
Opening Reception: January 29, 2025
Pickup art at District Architecture Center: By April 24, 2025


You will be asked to agree to the following statement when submitting images for consideration:
● Participants may submit up to 6 images of works of art for consideration, one image per piece. At least 1 piece per selected artist will be included in the exhibition.
● Each piece of art must be signed + dated somewhere on its surface (front, back, top, bottom, inside, outside)
● Prints will only be accepted in digital format
● 2D artwork must be framed
● If submitting multiple works of art as a series, please also submit a sketch of how the artwork should be displayed (relative location, order, etc.)
● Display space is limited; artwork will be selected from submitted images by the District Architecture Center
● Images of artwork that are not received by September 15, 2024 via the submission link will not be considered for inclusion in the exhibition
● Images you submit may be used by the District Architecture Center in promotion of this exhibition or future exhibitions
● Artwork not delivered to DAC by January 9, 2024 will not be included in the exhibition.

The Opening Reception will take place on January 29, 2025, from 6-8 pm at the District Architecture Center. You are encouraged to attend but are not required.