Wednesday, September 19 2018-Friday, October 26 2018
Multi-day event.
The Unbuilt Washington Awards bridge the academic and professional communities by providing a forum for recognizing the contributions of both younger and established practitioners alike.
Since 2009, AIA|DC has conducted an annual competition that recognizes excellence in both theoretical and unbuilt commissioned projects. Open to registered architects, associate architects, landscape architects, planners, interior designers, and students from the Washington metropolitan region, the competition typically yields unique, innovative, and thought-provoking concepts from around the globe.
The difference between theoretical and unbuilt commissioned projects is simple: theoretical projects refer to exploratory work without a client such as design competitions, hypothetical or research-oriented assignments, and student work; unbuilt commissioned projects refer to unexecuted work or work that is not yet constructed in project types such as buildings, interiors, monuments and memorials, planning, public art, public space, transportation infrastructure, and urban design.
Of the 75 submissions this year, 7 projects were chosen by a panel of distinguished jurors, including Scott Erdy, FAIA of Erdy McHenry Architecture; Pavlina Ilieva, AIA of PI.KL Studio; and Barbara Swift, FASLA of Swift Company.
Post Industrial Appalachia - Andrew Shea, University of Virginia
Angles of Incidence: Mirror, Film, and Architectural Plot Twists - Austin Edwards, University of Virginia
Folded Barcelona: A New Catalan Parliament - Fang Nan, Haoruo Zhu, and Manuel Bailo (supervisor), University of Virginia
Material Memory Retrofitting -
Luis Pancorbo and Ines Martin with Austin Edwards, Tyler Mauri, and Katie LaRose (collaborators), Pancorbo Arquitectos
City Fragments, Building Transitions: An Urban Stitching of Hong Kong Film - Philip Chang, University of Virginia
Willamette Public Charter School - Portia Strahan, University of Utah
Organized by AIA|DC for the Suman Sorg Gallery
Designed and modeled in ArchiCAD19, courtesy of Graphisoft
Supported in part by BluEdge